As we all adjust to the shifting way we teach and learn, we constantly work to make sure our students’ needs are met. Are we also meeting our own needs? We can only engage our learners if we are feeling fulfilled and nourished within. We’ve heard the old saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” In keeping with this ever-important message, let’s make personal well-being a priority and model it for our students.
Here are three resources to help you incorporate personal well-being and self-care. Take advantage of the upcoming school break to fill your cup and establish some self-care habits.
Rachel Allen is experienced in the healing and expressive arts. As a theme-based yoga teacher and workshop facilitator, she uses live music, breath, movement, and yoga to encourage and support self-acceptance and self-reflection grounded in compassion and truth. In this video, Rachel walks you through a 5-minute mindfulness practice you can do today.
Before the Coronavirus pandemic, nearly half of all teachers reported a high level of daily stress. Since then, surely that number has gone up. This article shares five ways we can take action by starting within, to normalize teacher self-care.
You’ve figured out how to deliver the “academic content” for your class, but what about the well-being of your students, their families in virtual or hybrid settings? What about your emotional well-being? Connects U! is a collection of practices and resources to help you effectively mentor your learners.
Children learn so much by watching us. Let’s fill our cups and show them how to thrive with regular self-care habits.