by Christine M. Davis, Virtual Learning Specialist | Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8
As teachers, we are used to learning new things, trying different strategies, and pushing ourselves to new heights. The Spring of 2020 is proof of that, as we all adjusted our teaching ways to continue to meet our students during a time of quarantine and school closings. Now that the summer is here, we ask ourselves, how can we get better at this? Explore three ways to extend your professional learning this summer.
#1 Watch a Webinar

Watch or revisit one of the weekly webinars about virtual learning. Topics range from learning tools to teaching strategies and where to find free content. Watch one or watch them all!
#2 Explore Resource Lists

Overwhelmed by resources that have been shared on social media? We picked out the top few virtual learning resources for you. Select any list below.
#3 Join a Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Join a conversation with other educators and keep the learning going!
