Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is here to help!
In response to extended school closures, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is providing solutions to help your districts keep the learning going. Contact us about one of these solutions, or to discuss a more customized option.
Solution 2
You Teach
in our Platform
Your teachers use our courses, in our platform, as needed to help your students in either
Planned Instruction
Enrichment and Review.
Optional participation for your teachers in a cohort-based online support group led by an experienced online teacher.

Through Pennsylvania's Intermediate Units, PDE is offering access to the Odysseyware & Edgenuity online learning platforms for schools interested in establishing new course offerings or supplementing existing continuity of education programs. For more information about this service, contact us.
Courses Available
Algebra I Semester A (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students explore the application of properties to simplify expressions with exponents and radicals, relationships between rational and irrational numbers, solving linear equations and inequalities, applying knowledge of linear equations and inequalities to solve and graph systems of linear equations and inequalities, applying operations on polynomials, factoring quadratic expressions, and solving quadratic equations using different methods.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Algebra I Semester B (2 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students explore the analysis of different types of functions presented as equations, graphs, tables, verbal descriptions, identifying key features applied to real-world problems, using key features to compare different types of functions, transformations of functions, statistics, interpreting and analyzing data sets, as well as causation and correlation.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Algebra I Honors Semester A (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students explore algebraic problems and apply the knowledge to real-life situations. Topics include: linear inequalities, forms of linear equations, relate linear equations and functions, solve systems of equations and systems of inequalities, interpret solutions mathematically and contextually, statistics, measures of central tendency, relative frequencies, and scatter plots.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Algebra I Honors Semester B (2 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students explore functions by exploring new families of functions, the effect of different transformations, key features of their graphs, and how they compare functions represented in different ways. Additional topics include: polynomials on quadratics, quadratic equations and their graphs, various methods of factoring and solving quadratic equations, exponential growth and decay, and how linear, quadratic, and exponential functions compare to one another.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Algebra II Semester A (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students explore solving quadratic equations with complex solutions and perform operations on polynomials, uses polynomial identities to solve problems, analyzes polynomial functions using different representations, and solves polynomial equations graphically, works with rational functions, and performing arithmetic operations on rational functions to graph them.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Algebra II Semester B (2 of 2)
Grades 9-12
This course is not available until January 2021.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Applied Mathematics Semester A (1 of 1)
Grades 9-12
Students examine how artists, video game developers, and musicians apply mathematical
concepts to create, and how biologists use mathematics to measure the distances between
cells and gain new insights about the body by applying concepts from geometry, functions,
probability, and statistics.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Arabic 1 (Full Year)
World Languages
Grades 9-12
In this course, learners will in-shaa' a-llah: master the Arabic alphabet and sound system, be able to distinguish and pronounce all Arabic sounds, and write accurately from dictation, comprehend simple print texts on familiar topics as well as simple audio/video texts and compose simple paragraphs about themself and their family and friends. Learners will know the differences between formal and spoken Arabic, recognize both registers, and be able to use basic expressions in at least one dialect.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Arabic 2 (Full Year)
World Languages
Grades 9-12
In this course, learners will in-shaa' a-llah, strengthen previous learned writing skills using the symbols of the Arabic language. In addition, learners will build the following skills; Tell a story or anecdote (oral and written) using complex sentences, describe themselves and others, including past activities and future plans, Speak extemporaneously to a topic studied during the semester. learners will be able to answer questions and maintain a conversation with a native speaker about basic topics such (his city, his trips, his interests, his study, his family, etc), express feelings, likes and dislikes, contrast and connect English and Arabic by translating sentences and short paragraphs. Reflect on the learning process, mastery of stated learning outcomes, and the development of strategies to facilitate effective learning.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Arabic 3 (Full Year)
World Languages
Grades 9-12
In this course, learners will reach intermediate proficiency in Arabic. Learners will be able to speak about themselves and their environment, initiate and sustain conversations on a number of topics (e.gl, family, friends, studies, etc,) as well as narrate in present, past and future tense. Learners will also be able to ask and answer most questions in Arabic, read texts on familiar topics and understand the main ideas without using the dictionary. Learners will be able to write about daily life, short letters and essays. They will become familiar with various aspects of Arab culture, such as social and religious customs and traditions. Reflect on the learning process, mastery of stated learning outcomes, and the development of strategies to facilitate effective learning.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Arabic 4 (Full Year)
World Languages
Grades 9-12
In this course, learners have reached intermediate II proficiency in Arabic and will be able to do the following at the advanced level; Speak about themself and their environment, initiate and sustain conversations on a number of topics (i.e. family, friends, studies, etc.) as well as narrate in present, past and future time frames. Instructors will ask and answer most questions in Arabic, read texts on familiar topics and understand the main ideas without using the dictionary, comprehend simple Arabic discourse involving familiar topics and be able to write about their daily life, short letters and essays. Reflect on the learning process, mastery of stated learning outcomes, and the development of strategies to facilitate effective learning.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Art History Semester A (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students explore the art of the prehistoric, ancient, medieval, Renaissance and Rococo periods to understand how to read and interpret art.
*Given the subject matter, the course is extensively visual. Please be aware that this course includes depictions of nudity, as many art movements celebrated the human form.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Art History Semester B (2 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students explore art of the late 1700s to modernity from Western movements in artworks and architecture to China, Japan, Africa, Oceania, Southeast Asia, India.
*Given the subject matter, the course is extensively visual. Please also be aware that this course includes depictions of nudity, as many art movements celebrated the human form.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Biology Semester A (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students examine the basics of biochemistry and how it helps understand biological systems on Earth. Using logical thinking to identify relationships and draw conclusions, the course expands out from the building blocks of biochemistry to individual cells and cell membranes to understand cell division, reproduction, cell energy and metabolism, and photosynthesis.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Biology Semester B (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students examine the basics of genetics, natural selection, and ecology; model how matter and energy flow through ecosystems, and the technology used to see the larger context and implications. Topics include: biological research topics of ethical guidelines in new biotechnology.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Biology Honors Semester A (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students examine life at the cellular level by understanding how the scientific method is used by scientists to investigate questions and present their findings. Topics include chemical make up and size of cells, cell structure, the flow of energy, and how traits are inherited.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Biology Honors Semester B (2 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students examine life on Earth from a big picture perspective by exploring the evolution of species and history of life on Earth. Topics include: living organisms from microorganisms to plants and animals, the human body systems, ecology, and how humans interact with the environment. Historical perspectives and societal impact of biology are included in each lesson.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Character Education Semester A (1 of 1)
Grades 9-12
Students explore values of truthfulness, trustworthiness, responsibility, diligence, and integrity. The course offers specific, real world situations to interpret and connect to these traits to provide safe and appropriate ways to respond in real time. Topics include: identifying bullying, how to develop a bullying-prevention mindset.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Grades 9-12
In this course, learners will be challenged in an interactive, 21st-century course focusing on Chemistry. Topics include the composition, properties, and changes associated with matter and their applications. This course is designed to serve as a foundation for the study of Chemistry. The utilization of scientific inquiry, web 2.0 tools, interactive experiences, higher-order thinking, collaborative projects, real-world application through labs and a variety of assessments all aid the student in ultimately demonstrating a vast understanding of the importance of Chemistry in the world around them; enabling them to apply these properties to their everyday lives.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Chemistry Semester A (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students examine basic principles and properties of matter to see its everyday uses. Topics include: atomic models, predicting chemical reactions to see how scientists can engineer them to solve problems.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Chemistry Semester B (2 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students examine basic principles and properties of matter to see its everyday uses. Topics include: atomic models, predicting chemical reactions to see how scientists can engineer them to solve problems.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Chemistry Honors Semester A (1 of 2)
Grades 9-12
Students examine basic principles and properties of matter to see its everyday uses. Topics include: atomic models, predicting chemical reactions to see how scientists can engineer them to solve problems. The honors course offers additional examples and practice.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Chemistry Honors Semester B (2 of 2)
Grades 9-12
This semester culminates in the ability to evaluate the ethical and social implications of chemistry-related technologies. Topics include: matter, types of bonds and forces that hold atoms and molecules together, states of matter, phase changes, gas laws, solutions, thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions, chemical equilibrium and electrochemistry, radiation and the difference between nuclear fission and fusion. The honors course offers additional examples and practice.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Child Development
Grades 9-12
In this course, learners learn what to prepare for their responsibilities as parents and caregivers of children. Topics include prenatal care, growth and development through age six, teen pregnancy, maternal health, parenting skills, and child guidance.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.
Chinese 1 (Full Year)
World Languages
Grades 9-12
In this course, learners will develop an authentic and practical understanding of the Chinese language and culture. learners will begin to master the Chinese alphabet and sound system, be able to distinguish and pronounce Chinese sounds, and write accurately from dictation, comprehend simple print texts on familiar topics as well as simple audio/video texts. Learners will have the ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions in the target language within basic, real-life situations and learning scenarios. All new concepts will be introduced in context while incorporating various listening, speaking and writing activities.
Customizable Learning Experiences (CLX)
Related Open Educational Resources (OER)
See the full course outline in the Extended Campus platform.